
Connect The Dots

This podcast explores the path to success and the dots that are connected along the way.

We are curious about the stories of successful people and the journey that took them from A to here.

Hosted by Geoffrey Klein, our aim is to share these stories in the hope that you will learn from them to help others...connect the dots.

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Connect The Dots
Connect The Dots
S6E10: (Bonus) Mike Gabler | Serve Those Who Serve Us
  • S6E10: (Bonus) Mike Gabler | Serve Those Who Serve Us

    S6E10: (Bonus) Mike Gabler | Serve Those Who Serve Us

    Feb 15, 2023 •

    In this episode we go on an adventure with the one and only Gabler aka the Ali-Gabler, the heart valve specialist and most recent winner of the reality TV show Survivor. From growing up and wanting to be an international business man, Gabler...

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Meet your Host

Hi, I'm Geoffrey!

Geoffrey Klein, aka Mr. Purple is a Tedx speaker, an author, an adjunct professor and a visual content producer

Geoffrey helps people and organizations communicate more effectively through the power of story. He produces animation and video to help clients bring their story to life in a dynamic and refreshing way to share your message.

Geoffrey believes the best way to communicate is through telling a story and that the best way to share a story is by making it visual.

Don't look for the perfect story, take your story and make it perfect.