Business Secrets: Lingo, Love, and Empathy with Jeffrey Shaw

Shareable Guest Club
Shareable Guest Club
Business Secrets: Lingo, Love, and Empathy with Jeffrey Shaw

Happy 2019! We’re kicking off the New Year here at Shareable with a real gem of an episode. We’re talking with Jeffrey Shaw about empathy, understanding ourselves and each other, and how we can reflect that understanding within our business. In today’s world, we are all facing a growing need, both individually and collectively, to be understood. We want to be surrounded by people who motivate us, understand us, and who we can be ourselves around, while feeling like our most authentic self. The same is true in business. Jeffrey is sharing some major insights on how we can reflect on our values and apply it to every avenue of our lives. You really don’t want to miss this one. Take a listen below and don’t forget to subscribe!

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