Zach Montroy

Shareable Think Fast
Shareable Think Fast
Zach Montroy

About Think Fast

Think Fast is a mini-episode featuring 10 rapid-fire questions.

Think Fast Questions

What is your favorite podcast?

Marketing Made Simple and Focus on This

Bring one fictional character to life.

Jed Bartlet from The West Wing

If you could download one person’s (dead or alive) entire knowledge, wisdom, and memories to add to your own, whose would it be?

Maya Angelou

What will destroy humanity?

The inability to listen to one another and hold conflict in a healthy way. The extremism is what will destroy humanity.

What will save humanity?

Empathy, seeing other people and honoring their stories, even though it doesn’t match up and align with yours.

What is a lesson that you wish that you’d learned earlier in your life?

How to be self-aware. How to others-focused. How to be emotionally intelligent.

What negative experience in your life are you most happy that happened to you?

Starting my company…

What is your definition of success, and how has it changed over time?

My definition of success would be what have we accomplished together and how we’ve accomplished that. Fifteen years ago, it was “what did we accomplish?” It wasn’t the path or the journey we took together.

What is one thing everyone listening to this episode should go and do today?

Get a therapist or coach.

The Infinity Gauntlet gives the holder the ability to snap their fingers and make anything their mind can imagine into reality. Here’s the catch though: it generally costs the wearer who snaps their fingers their lives. I have this gauntlet, and I’m offering it to you. What would you want to happen?

I would give it to someone really old whom I trust. I wouldn’t do it, because of my family and my kids. I wouldn’t want to do that to them. The person I give it to I would want them to make a world where we see one another, where we can be brave, courageous, curious, and vulnerable, and empathetic, and we weren’t so selfish.

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