SHOW NOTES Lauren Teague has never written a business book, never given a keynote speech to thousands, and has never shot even par on the golf course (but she was one-under through 9 holes, once).
She is an emoji queen (but likes Bitmoji better). She tweets, snaps, posts and “goes live” on the regular, mostly so she can help others do the same. She speaks Millennial, and can translate it too.
When she’s not on stage, or presenting workshops, or helping clients create social media strategies, she is literally a mini-van driving soccer mom of three kids ages five, three and one. Lauren lives just outside the Portland, Oregon suburbs, because her husband hates traffic, and she works from home for Jay Baer and Convince & Convert because she hates long commutes (unless they are by airplane).
Lauren (wo)manned @PGATOUR social media for seven seasons, including the fateful instances of everything that happened to Tiger Woods between 2008 and 2014; Dustin Johnson’s #WhatBunker fiasco at the 2010 PGA Championship, and the American team’s domination of the President’s Cup (2009, 2011, 2013). She once got an earful from Phil Mickelson regarding his true feelings about social media, yet he too finally gave in and joined Twitter this past year.
Lauren produced an outdoor festival for hundreds of people during the 2017 National Solar Eclipse while 35 weeks pregnant, and then missed most of the actual eclipse because her son was scared of the dark. Lauren Teague would really really like to help you with content, marketing and social media strategy, but honestly she’d rather go golfing.
Running time: 56:12
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