Shareable is the podcast fueled entirely by curiosity.
Every episode, features exciting guests who share valuable advice and insights, how-to guides, and practical takeaways.
Listen for awe-inspiring stories about overcoming the odds, the secret formulas for each guest’s unique expertise, and the moments that remind us of our shared humanity.
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You might know Jeff from Linkedin as "the World’s Most Handsome Strategist and Professional Speaker."
You might also know him by his other title: Superhero
Jeff Gibbard is the author of The Lovable Leader, a book about building great teams with trust, respect and kindness. He's also strategist, consultant, coach, speaker, podcaster, blogger, and more.
Jeff is on a mission to make the world kinder, safer and more equitable. He's committed to living a purpose-driven life, helping people to unlock their full potential, being a heroic and lovable leader, and becoming an unstoppable catalyst for change.